Monday, February 23, 2009

Good to be back!

Olley's second version of Nanette's "Fragments". Hopefully this one arrived intact! I "teabagged" & painted over a real feather, butterfly wing, leaf skeleton & a found, deceased lizard - I swear I didn't harm it! Sounds gross I know but it turned out great.

This is obviously the rained damaged card - I said a few choice words as it had taken me a little longer than any other card to complete.

This is the first attempt at Nanette's "Fragments" before I got an email saying it had been destroyed by rain!

Hi Everyone, It's good to be back into it again - although I have only finished 2 more cards. Mine from round 1 (Blue Monochrome - photo yet to come) & I had to redo Nanette's from round 1 as it was damaged beyond recognition by the rain after I sent it back last year - I've been in denial about it up until now. I hope everyone is well & looking forward to continuing the postcards. I have a friend who will be joining my group - Gwen Evetts & she's looking forward to being involved in our creativity. Take Care, Happy Creating, Olley.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Don't forget to email me!!

Hi collaborators,

Hope things are going well for each and every one of you.....this email is a reminder about the end of February deadline to let me know whether you are:
continuing with the postcard collab,
or wanting to finish the postcards and start an altered book collaboration
or wanting a complete break from any collaboration at this time.

I have heard from about a dozen of you, -thankyou for your replies, thoughts and feedback :-) At this point most of you are keen to continue with some kind of collaboration, a few people would like to change to the altered books, with most happy to do either.
It would be great to hear back from each and everyone of you, I'm looking forward to hearing what you want to do and perhaps some feedback about your experience of the postcard collaboration.......If I don't hear back from you I will assume that you are not wanting to continue with the postcards or any other collaboration at this point.
Looking forward to your emails....


Friday, February 13, 2009

my altered front and back of shellys uk change

my altered postcards of shellys...

more from me...

shelleys original front and back "change!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

bird on the wire

"Bird on the Wire"
new drawings by donna malone
inspired by the lyrics of Leonard Cohen
this is the signature image for my exhibition 'bird on the wire'
opening on the 20th feburary 2009
at lorraine pilgrim + nyst gallery, 16 nerang rd, southport.
please see for more info.
cheers, donna

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

margaret olley

Pam's "bloomin'" back and front...

i got the opportunity of seeing and listening to margaret olley last saturday at QU.

what struck me most was her aliveness and realness. her most potent piece of advice for me was to just draw what you love. i feel blessed to of had the opportunity of hearing this from the master. there were around 700 people there and the love in there was palpable. love donna

below is the back here is the front (before and after)hopefully

terris 'i am' front and back before and after.

please bear with me while i get the hang of this. love donna

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Catching up

Hi everyone!! Now that there's some activity again, and we're finally settling back into some kind of routine after the "silly season", I thought I'd post a couple of photos of postcards I finished in that time...they've been with their 'owners' for a little while now...but these two have been among my favorites. Kym's Ladybeetles...which I felt compelled to add a little rhyme to from AA Milne..."We went to all the places which a beetle might be near, and we made the sort of noises which a beetle likes to hear"

And Rochelle's "Flowers for your Soul" - which probably isn't any work of art - but I used pastels, which I've never really used 'properly' before and I was very excited with the result, given my lack of exoerience with such things ie: Faces!!! I had a ball with that one!
I have a couple here to finish off, and look forward to continuing with some or all of you, in some format or other...I'm not really ready for this to end just yet!

Friday, February 6, 2009

end of the road?

Hi All, well, have completed and sent back all postcards in my possesssion.
was GREAT fun.
thankyou to everyone in my group who contributed.
Am unsure on where to go from here...
Would like to keep going with willing participants.
Peta, maybe we could consolidate to one group of keen collaborators?
anyway, all the best for 2009!
love donna

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to February 2009

Greetings one and all! I hope everyone has had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year...for those who have school aged children, I trust that they are all back at school, and well and truely into the routine of their new classes......I am certainly experiencing the "hitting the ground running" type of feeling so far this year!

So, now we are into the second month of 2009...... it's time to review the directions each of you would like to take in terms of this collaboration. I think there are a possible four options, please consider each option and reply by the last day in February, to your group leader or myself your intentions.
Option One: Continue with the postcards as per our original vision

Option Two: Finish with the postcard collaboration and change to a book collaboration

Option three: Finish with the postcard collaboration and at this point decide not to be a part of a book collaboration

Option Four: Maybe someone has a burning desire to present another idea for a collaboration to the existing group, which of course may involve artists not presently collaborating with this group. - I love new ideas!!

Whatever option we each choose I believe it would be great if we could each complete the postcards we are currently in possession of. If artists have fallen behind with sending out their originating postcard themes then perhaps the option of these being completed could be discussed and negotiated within their own group.

I will also send out individual emails to each of you, this may not be until the weekend as I am awaiting a new computer to be put together - (your addresses are on this computer!)

I have just posted off completed postcards to Kym, Rochelle x 2, Kristin and Tracey! I will put some photos up when my new computer is up and running!! I had a lot of fun putting these postcards together!

I am looking forward to hearing from each of you!!


Changes to "The Postcard Collaborations" :)

Hello to all collaborators,
Firstly apologies for this email However, better a little late than never!
I have heard from just about all of you over the past few weeks/months, Thankyou for your emails and phone calls and in some cases face to face conversations! Your feedback about the postcard collab has been thoughtful and in a positive vein.... I now have a fair idea about which group you each want to be involved in....below is what I understand you are each wanting, please check the lists, if you are listed as doing what you want, that's need to contact me, however if you are not where you want to be please let me know, asap.
List A - Artists who want to continue with the postcards
  1. Olley Bath - who will continue to coordinate
  2. Gwen Evetts - who is a friend of Olleys and a new member
  3. Jude Roberts - originally from Olleys group
  4. Rochelle Jekot - originally from My group
  5. Jenelle Wood - Originally from my group
  6. Kym Simms - Originally from my group
Group B - Altered Book
  1. Peta Lloyd - to be coordinator of this group
  2. Donna Malone - originally coordinator of a postcard group
  3. Shelly Neave - originally from Donna's group
  4. Tamara Allen - " " " "
  5. JacQ Ware - " " " "
  6. Nanette Balchin - Originally from Olleys group
  7. Kristin Mountjoy - Originally from my group
  8. Lindesay Dresdon - " " " "
  9. Tracey Hewitt - " " " "
Group C - Those who were undecided - Please let me know which group you would like to be in!
  1. Susan Joyce - originally Donna's group
  2. Terri Shackley - " " "
Group D - Those who have decided to take a break from collaborating at the moment
  1. Pam Shipman - originally Donna's group
  2. Natalie Johnson - " Olley's Group
  3. Mel Gower - " " "
  4. Amanda Lowjen - " " "
Phew!!! I think that's it!!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your participation, creative idea's and wonderful art works. For those of you who are having a break, or continuing with the postcards, please stay in touch, I have certainly enjoyed you all being a part of this collaboration. I hope at some point that we may all be able to come together to share our books and postcards with each other!
For those continuing with the postcards, I believe that Olley has already communicated with you about how you will be continuing with this great project.
For everyone, please if you can, complete the postcards you have in your possession, if this is not possible then simply return to the originating artist as is.
For those who have chosen to change to the Altered Book Collaboration I will send out a group email within the next week to outline the details.
Kym, I would like to thankyou for your wonderful efforts of setting up the blog and continuing to maintain it, it has been a valuable opportunity to share thoughts and art with others and to be able to connect with other collaborators across the country and the oceans - THANKS!!!
To Donna and Olley, a big thankyou to you both for so capably and gently encouraging your respective group members participation - THANKS!!!
Once again......THANKS!!! to all of YOU for your enthusiasm, participation and collaboration!!!